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I don’t know why get so paranoid about the fact that my boyfriend will leave me or whether he loves me or not, he keeps assuring me that he does but still I can’t get over it. I meet him at my weakest moment and he made me so happy and now he is leaving for Canada on the 10th of next month. I love him a lot but I keep doubting his feelings, plus it’s been like more than a month since I have met him and I keep asking him to meet me but he is so busy that he never has time to meet me !!!

3 replies

Ah! Buddy . That’s tough but you can’t continue or build a strong relationship when you’re feeling insecure or don’t get enough respect. Please think about it again . Because I can feel your insecurity and you shouldn’t be continuing this. Start building a strong relationship or try to convince yourself you may not be happy with this insecurities. Hope you will take a right decision that suits your life


he tries his best to make sure i don’t get insecure but i does happens and for a matter of
fact i know he wont cheat on me no matter what happens but i still get paranoid i don’t know why


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