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Mental HealthThought


I don’t know who i am. I don’t know what i want to be as a person. Someone told me that i become very sensitive or get irriatated on small things. I am behaving less practically which i feels it was right in some way . And i had complain to that person that he is doing way more practical he should respond some feelings as i do with him. We decided to work on that. Bt now i m feeling like its only me who is working on myself. I just questioning myself that i should work on my problem or i should not because he should also do efforts on his prblm as it is a mutual thing for a relationship among two people. I m questioning myself in two opposite ways. The first that why only i should change myself as he wanted me to?
The second one that it is good for my stress issues .
Ps . Sorry for mistakes.

1 reply

Oh god! Please relax first of all, relationships are hitting rough patches so its fine if u r having an anxiety about it.
First ask urself, if the change u r doing to u is a whitewash to ur inherent personality or is it for ur betterment. If it crushes ur personality with no betterment, plz don’t change, dont trap ur soul to do something which it doesnt.
Secondly ask whether the partner is not gaslighting u,(google this word, it might resonate in ur situation )and if yes then trust me, u r better off alone.
Thirdly have a relaxed chat with partner.

See what happens and post again if it doesn’t resolve here.


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