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I don’t know what I am feeling since morning, my heart is beating lil fast since morning, can’t sit in a place, Idk feeling more lost(I am already in depression), but today only I am feeling this rush in my brain too, I don’t know what is happening to me or how to help myself, I tried sleeping also but can’t. I know I will be fine in some time, I am trying to stay calm.
This project, academics and life gonna make me dead Idk maybe umm…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jyenku
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @jyenku

Jyenku @jyenku

I hope you are feeling OK after this, those seem to be pretty basic anxiety symptoms, but if you ever feel like something is wrong physically, don’t hesitate and seek out some help and see if something is wrong. I hope your academic scores will stay up (or get up) because you seem really really stressed about this. I hope you are doing OK.


yeah, it’s a hard time for me, I am okay with it, sudden stress
Thanks for ur kind words tho💛


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