Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I don’t know how I’m feeling right now. Totally numb I don’t know where my life is heading where I’m going. There is nothing to feel postive about. Everything seems black and white from being extrovert to facing social anxiety. I just wanna go somewhere far alone leaving everything behind. I’m tired of faking smiles laughter happy I’m just tired of everything. I don’t see any hope of going back to my happy days happy times. it’s 11:28 and I’m returning to my bed again with tears negative thoughts loneliness.
Hope you guys doing better.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nikup
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nikup

Don’t worry tomorrow will be much better than today. Hope u bump into something which really excites u and make u feel like you are alive. Cheers


Don’t be so hard on yourself. You aren’t alone. Somedays I too feel the same. Try to do things different from your everyday schedule. Talk to an old friend who you haven’t been in touch with. Have one day completely to yourself. Pick a place away from city. Interact with nature. Hope that helps.


Thank you so much but still I don’t find any hope I’m ull of negative thoughts now.
How can I think of a better tomorrow then?


Stop pretending to be fine when you are not take your time clear out your own thoughts there is no shame in expressing your inner feelings that can be anger sadness or whatever do not bottle them up and don’t care about how people think of you what matters is what you think of yourself you are doing well and it’s gona be fine gather yourself around people who are real and there for you focus on light and let go of darkness don’t give up!


That’s what I don’t have
Real friends real people.


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