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I don’t know how I am feeling I’m not feeling sadness or pain kinda feeling numbness and voidness in my chest not because I failed but because I’ve seen too many times getting my hopes shattered my prayers unanswered even trying my best every time it’s all waste and there’s this continuous little voice that won’t stop asking why and ifs it’s not that I’m not trying but I’m tired of trying and still not making it all i ever wanted was to be happy I don’t to live anymore but for that I don’t even have the courage I just want to sleep for a long time want to disappear I really my life and end this torture but I can’t do that I’ve my parents to look after I can’t betray them but nothing is comforting me anymore I hate myself but i am also sorry for myself hope you guys are doing good.

8 replies

Hey I think you want someone to listen u

Priyanka singh @drphoenix

So true

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Priyanka singh @drphoenix

Calm down sweety you ll be fine just take a deep breath and analyse where you are wrong .
That might help uh😇

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When I was in 9 standard i almost got failed in final exams… i can understand you. In 7 billions of people every one fails in some point . It’s the part of our life don’t worry do ur best this time. It’s okay to take break sometimes may be life has other opportunities and plans for u . But you should never give up . Take break stop for sometimes… but never give up . ❤️ More power and strength to you.

Kuldeep Kumar @theframeofr...

I know what you are going through right now…trust me, it’s gonna be more painful in future. I would say you need someone to listen to you immediately, please look after yourself and surround yourself with the people YOU LOVE


Hello there my friend thanks for sharing this, it’s a lot of courage, it must be very hard going through those feelings but you still take time to acknowledge them and I find that so strong of you for not everyone does that you should be proud of yourself, life truly has misterious ways with each one of us, ways that our brains sometimes can’t fathom that it makes us doubt ourselves but that’s never the truth, for all you go through is there to make you stronger and better but if you can’t fight it on your own (which is so fine) then seeking professional help may be helpful if that’s possible, I also suggest you talk to someone you trust and who is considerate to your feelings if you have one, and I may not know you personally but I wanna tell you that your simple act of existing is so precious and important not only to the people around you but to yourself too for you deserve all the best and I believe you will someday feel fulfilled just always give it another chance and try to focus more on what you’ll be learning and gaining on the way even if you don’t reach your goal, always squint for the little blessings here and there I’m sure you’ll find a lot, and remember you are loved always 💝


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