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I don’t have any friends, I really want to have a few not too many just one or two best ones but now all of my friends are toxic they push me too hard, they mock me and even though I’m in the so called friend group, I’m the only one who’s not invited to hang out with them, they post stuff that they hung out and everything, and since I’m shy and soft-spoken I don’t usually talk a lot so they never invite me to meet them when in reality I need someone to talk to, I want my people to talk to me, it sucks to wake up everyday and carry on with your routine without even getting a single hello from anyone. The existing group of friends I have don’t value me and treat me like a person who just exists, they all talk to each other I’m the only one who’s left out of everything

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
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Simran @st1199

Yes! What he said is absolutely correct.

Having one friend is more than enough than showing having 5 people and ending with talking to none. Everyone has their time, yours will come too. Just put in the right efforts when you feel this friendship can be taken somewhere and a chance can be given.


yep I don’t want a huge group or something, I just need one or two really really good friends


i’m going through the same exact thing. quarantine made me realize that i don’t need the toxic people in my life. ever since i stopped hanging out with them, i felt more free. i have no friends, but atleast im free. i am just longing for somebody, who understands, and will listen to me when i speak.


exactly this is what I’m seeking, I’m freeing myself but longing to have someone


I had terrible friends too. So terrible that I shouldn’t even call them as friends. They were toxic, they fed up my self esteem and confidence. But I found new friends and they were so supportive and they use to love to hang out with me, they pushed me to get on to the various stages at bars and perform with my band in front of so many people and they all enjoyed it. Trust me, stay away from them! They are not your friends, they don’t really see you as a friend, they just need someone to use to make themselves feel powerful and dominant, humans have been like this from ages. So change your friend group, be with people who are postive and love to share happiness. All the best! And stay away from toxic people, karma will take care of them and I can see people fed up in life who made my few months hell. I’ll pray for you happiness and good friends! :)


I really want one or two really really good, positive, uplifting people the friends that I have are too toxic and it’s bothering me a lot these days, I find it extremely difficult and I don’t have anyone to talk to


Same here , i am pursuing my post graduation and most of my friends had gone for an employment after graduation , whenever i try to contact them or meet them , they will just say one thing I HAVE OFFICE WORKS to me but they will be hanging out and posting pics on social media , they will just text me only when they need a favour or some occassions like bdays , festivals thats it , they see me like a fool who is wasting time all day , but according to me im not wasting my time. I go to college ( its a half day clg ) as i am free from the afternoon they treat me like a useless person or morelike a person who is just wasting parents money , without no proper life goals . If i try to bring a conversation regarding their behaviour they will start a lecture on how to develop and all …its better to stay away from those people


Same with me …I have friends but just for name sake …I’m trying to get rid of them …and focus on my goal…at right time you and me we both will have right people in our lives just wait for there arrival…let god decide who are the right ones🙃


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