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i don’t feel great. every night i can’t just get a good sleep bcs I think of my problems every single time. the thing is even though I want to let it out (the problem), I just can’t. idk I can’t find the right words to say and in the end, its just stay in me. idk what this feeling is. adulting? sense of responsibility? idk. this uni shit is tiring, I want it to end fast but can I really survive the real world? can I get the right job for me? can I even get a job? I do not specialise in anything. all I can do is study and it’s not that great. I’m hoping writing here will lessen the burden, but let’s see.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @manoj10296
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujjindal
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @manoj10296

Manoj Gupta @manoj10296

You will surely get a job, I’ll guide you, let me kno if I can be of ny help

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujjindal

Anuj Jindal @anujjindal

Keep yourself engage, have small goals instead of big or end goals! The things your feeling is good as your serious for yourself and career, have sense of responsibility.


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