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I don’t feel good enough

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee
6 replies

darling you are GREAT!
you are not worthless
you a living being and your existence lights up people’s worlds
you may not know who is standing with you until you fall.
God is watching over you and he doesn’t give you tests in life if he knows you cant overcome them.
i canoot tell you to think positive coz that will make everything worse but i can surely tell you you are a BLESSING and probably someone’s reason to wake up in the morning and live through life


Thankyou for this… but sometimes it just comes to me. I always motivate myself but sometimes I just lose it all

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

Hey, why? Is everything alright?


I don’t know it always happens to me. For example like I don’t feel good enough about the way I look… even if I put lots of makeup trying to look good i don’t feel it…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

You can’t accept your beauty it seems. But what if I say you’re beautiful? What if all the people here believe you’re beautiful? Will you still hate the way you look? Won’t you look at yourself in the mirror, and give it a second thought? Won’t you notice your Beauty??


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