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I currently have an internship where I do office support. I’m supposed to communicate with people in the office and solve problems. It’s volunteer work. I don’t want to do it, and I know I’m not good at this type of thing (communicating with people and organising), but I signed up for it because I felt like I’m not good at anything useful. I don’t even want to get better at this, since I hate doing it. There’s really nothing in it for me except job experience, which I don’t have much of. The only thing I want is to quit. Everything makes me so tired, and l feel like I’m wasting so much energy on this when someone else could do it more effectively and easily. On the other hand, I feel like I shouldn’t quit because I’m just being whiny and should just try harder (also I still feel like I’m not good at anything useful).

2 replies

you know what work is important part of life today! if that drains you out don’t do that for sake of money! speaking of internship if you don’t like core work don’t do that because that will be same in real job also too yeah do what interests you


Work is extremely important part of life. But good work only. Many times we live in fantasy that i wl make hobby in profession. Please note its not really an option. Try figuring out what u like even remotely and do work in that area. it maybe the same job ,current one. But plz dont quit just coz its not ur passion. Work life is very different from current.


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