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β€ΊMental Wellbeingβ€ΊThought


I constantly feel overwhelmed and stressed by the amount of things I have to do. Rather than being able to separate each task individually, my brain sees it as a massive list of things to do with not enough time to do them. I am definitely a perfectionist when it comes to work and specifically uni. I find it really hard to let go of things until I’m satisfied with the result, which leads to me stressing that I won’t finish it in time.
I also really want to take better care of my health, specifically fitness. But I feel like as soon as I have a spare second where I’m not working or studying, I’m too exhausted to workout. I don’t even have the energy to watch TV, I just end up sleeping for multiple hours in the afternoon then feeling unmotivated to do anything for the rest of the evening. It’s a constant struggle to stay awake and stay motivated. (And its not related to my iron or B12 levels as I’ve had this checked).

1 reply

I would suggest you to check your diet and eating pattern
Try to practice fasting as it will reset your body.


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