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Healthy FoodThought


I been eating healthy food for a while now and saving 1-2 cheat-day a week. I have no idea why but after my tow cheating day I been eating none stop. I ate bread full of gluten and lot of stuff full of suger cake like cottn candy , 2 croissant n lots of nuts and much more what worse I dont recall everything and at the end of the day I gained like 5kg!!! 5!!! LIKE WHAT DID I EAT? I expected 2-3 kg but 5? It look like I ate more then I used to now I have no idea how I am ganna back to my deit and eat healy food and workout again, I don’t take a dook dook often… usually I poo 3 time a WEEK yes a week :) any ideas that can maybe aid me??

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Hi!!! Im not sure if you are a girl or not but if you are you could be pms-ing!! Or your period could be coming soon and that tends to add to the weight.

It seems like ur diet doesnt seem sustainable as well if the repercussions are u binge eating sm :( if you are trying out a way to be healthy its better to ease into it simply by eating balanced proportionate amounts of food!! If its losing weight, I started with just eating with a smaller plate and cutting out snacks. Not really cutting out anything specific like carbs and such. That along w exercise is key honestly.

Hope this helped!!


I only ate 3 meals a day and no snacks in between. U should feel satisfied after every meal and if youre not but u feel like u ate enough already, drink water or brush ur teeth. Drinking lots of water will help with pooing as well. Warm water is the best!


I am a girl and yes u are right about gaining weight befor period. But my period was about a week ago. I will try drinking tea more often, maybe befor or after the meal. I will try also exercise early in the morning, I don’t have time to exercise during the day sadly. I am not sure if I can cut the snacks… but I will try!! Thanks


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