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luna moon @luna11

I am using this app for the first time. I dont know, what to expect but still I wanted to have a place where I would feel seen, somewhat.
So basically in short, I diagnosed myself with bipolar. I am aware about it, has mostly been but I did not know that there was such condition or term. I love and adore genuine and raw friendships but as far as I remember, it was hard for me to find like minded people. At this point, I am about to graduate. Life is taking another phase but I am scared. Scared about what ifs. I know I have nothing to lose and so much to gain but this knot inside me, has not loosen yet. Please have your suggestions, opinions or anything.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_
9 replies

You can talk to me if you want

Abhinav sharma @mel09

Reading your words only shows you are overthinker. And overthinking kills the productivity and excitement.
Connect if you want to have clarity around.


In your opinion, how can we have genuine connection? It might depend upon how truly you know yourself, right? And what if you do not know/understand yourself completely?

Abhinav sharma @mel09

But to have someone correct in your life what matters is vibe. Give yourself a time with a person n see if vibes are good are you feeling happy with them or you loosing yourself. Thats a clear indicator


Yes, that is true. What suggestion would you give to sm who is lacking interest or enthusiasm in life ?

Abhinav sharma @mel09

First it’s just a mindset don’t confuse this with a depression or other negative terms. To have enthu and anxiety in life try to pick up your passion it cud be anything long drive…cooking…loud music…travelling to your fav. Place. And if you have that someone in your life go spend time with them if not then try the suggestions I gave you


Yep. It feels like, we know these things but we don’t apply. Life loves you back when you love life too.

Abhinav sharma @mel09

It’s more of loving yourself and not finding happiness outside you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_

Ricky @ricky_

Don’t overthink and worry too much…try to do whatever your passions are… everything will be fine. Take care 🧡


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