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Mental HealthThought


I am totally broken right now. I am a 10th grader and I have done a lot of things which I shouldn’t be doing at this age. I have known too much. I was raped by my cousin when I was in class 2(and no one knows about it yet). He has destroyed my childhood. I have had a very rough patch since a really young age. I caught my father having extra marital affair. It has become very hard for me too trust anyone. I have literally no true friends. I had one but I have lost connection with her 2 years back. Since the last 1.5 years my mental health has been worsening. I felt too lonely. No one was there to understand me. I started self harming a lot. I hated myself. I started to go to sites that I shouldn’t. One day on such a site I met a guy,who is 6 years older than me. He understood me and tried to help me feel better by talking to me almost daily. He has helped me feel positive and has also supported me to be mentally happy . But slowly he started to ask for sexual favors such as demands of private pics and hot talks. Unknown to whats happening, I agreed. He talks to me really nicely but the problem is he keeps asking for sexual pics in every 3-4 days. He asks to do video calls with him. It has been almost 10 days now, we have been talking. I have already sent him a lot of private pictures but shouldn’t have. I do feel happy while talking to him as my loneliness disappears but I don’t like to talk sexual with him. Today, I confronted him and told that I am not liking the sexual relation. He replied in a very understanding way, he told that we won’t be talking sexually frequently but once in a month/ fortnight . Now seeing our age difference and everything , I am not able to understand what I should do. If I stop talking to him then I will again go back to the phase of my life that I would not want to. If I keep our connection then my mental health will be the only benefit, but is it right for me to keep such a kind of relation at this age with someone like him?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jamthriller
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dinosaur_07
19 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @jamthriller

First make sure if its love. Try to get to know about him and his family and his past. Let him share about himself. Make the connection stronger. I feel like he’s a good guy. Work on your future and your career too.


No I don’t think there’s is anything like love between us. He himself has told me about his past. He tells me about his family too. He shares with me his personal problems too.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jamthriller

If it’s not love you should stay away from this thing. You need a distraction but this is not what you want. Friendship over Internet is fun but sharing private pics to a stranger? It’s not a good idea. He might be taking advantage just because of your age. Concentrate on studies and future. Please go for your dreams.


I am so sorry you had to go through that all I can’t imagine what are you going through right now… Always first put yourself in the first place think about what you want think if talking to him gives you genuine happiness…and this might be a really sensitive topic for you but some should know about your cousin…
Take care of yourself and always put yourself in the first place


Thanks for your consoling words

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No, no one knows about that incident. No steps have been taken. My cousin has shifted to a different city and hence we don’t meet anymore.

Thanks a lot for clearing up my confusion. Yesterday I confronted him saying that I don’t want to keep a sexual relation with him. He tried to convince me at first but later he understood .He had asked me that he wants to keep a normal friendly relation with me with no sexual talks, I told him that I need time to make decision.

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I would really like it if someone tries to help me out. I just have an instagram account.

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Yes I have telegram too. How do we connect?

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Thats a lot of stuff to deal with. You should see a therapist! Dont go through this alone. My wife sees a therapist for simple things like self-esteem and it has helped her a lot. You should definitely see one too!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dinosaur_07

Broken Bitch @dinosaur_07

Just be really careful in sending those kinds of pictures it is illegal at this age and you can get sent to jail for it… :/


Omg , girl trust me back off as soon as possible it will only end with a mojor disappointment, sorry if I sounds rude’ byt that’s the reality, my mental health and loneliness is way critical than yrs i know that person made you feel better but he’s probably using you , these things happen alot to the people like us who are lonely and just want to escape in happiness, in the end he will stop talking you as soon as you stop accepting his demand… I know there’s alot going in ur head but trust me what you have suffered, i was also there , i cant say what you should do in that mental state as I’m also figuring out …but what you told us , its a red flag…and Don’t worry we will together get out from this awful mental state…


You will be fine , and just don’t take or be serious with that guy. And please take care of yourself. If you want to talk normally I’m here 😊


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