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Physical HealthThought


I am too embarrassed to ask this but what are the home remedies for constipation I tried several things it’s not working…

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Zak Puckett @ztothephour

Simply give a shit ;-)


I have the same issue, actually worse

1st quit unhealthy food
2nd drink a lot of water
3rd. Eat Triphala at night and morning
4th. Your diet needs to have fibre in it. Eat whole grains and vegetables. You can make a sauce of green leaves.
5th eat jaggery after a meal, also eat curd in the afternoon( with lunch )
6th. Make a routine of waking up and using the washroom so it help your body response better.
7th drink water 1st thing in the morning
If facing a problem talk with an expert


Please try to drink alot of water and add pectin rich foods like Guava or apple it adds bulk to your poop. The most important thing is to create a routine have a time set up for pooping even if you can’t at first just try but not hardly to just create a routine first. If you don’t use Indian toilet try getting a stool so that you can place your toes on it, it helps. You can try triphala but it heats up your body. You can add pshyllium husk but be warned don’t abuse it.


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