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I am so insecure about my looks. I feel ugly and fat all the time. I don’t know what to do.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @22noor
Profile picture for Now&Me member @aprajita09
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @22noor

Akanksha Dash @22noor

Flaunt yourself the way you’re! It’s okay to feel insecure about your body but learn to cope up with it. Keep up your confidence ❤️


Thank you buddy!! ❤️❤️ I’ll try and keep the confidence high

Profile picture for Now&Me member @22noor

Akanksha Dash @22noor

I’m sure you’re much more beautiful and have a beautiful life darling 💜 cherish it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aprajita09

aprajita @aprajita09

Come on…what is ugly? What is pretty its just perspective,real beauty is inner beauty ,one should be healthy ,confident and good at heart rest is bullshit


I just feel people judge me for my looks and one of the reason I don’t approach the girls I like. I fear that they might laugh it off.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aprajita09

aprajita @aprajita09

See,if you r sure that girl is the right person,she had that understanding about importance of a good person then you should not fear of anything,if you choose a person who lives in a fake world then there is no point.


Thank you so much!! This really helped. Glad that your found my post 🌼🤍

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aprajita09

aprajita @aprajita09

🙂happy to help bro


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