Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I am not talking to a friend… And met another common friend of us today… While talking I accidentally told her about what happened between us and how we are not talking… Unknowingly I lied about a few things which made her look negative… And now I feel guilty
I t was not my intention… It came out of my mouth coz I had it in my mind… But talking about someone in their absence is something I would never do… Sorry… Did this make me a bad person

4 replies

We’re all human mate.
Iam sure you’re a awesome human.
Don’t overthink.


Oh dear, thanks a lot
I was feeling low since this morning… I promise I won’t even take anyone’s name in their absence… I m sorry again… I can’t personally apologize to her but I want her to forgive me for this


Don’t stress yourself buddy.
It’s not that big of a mistake…what’s important is that you’ve realised where you wer wrong.

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