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I am not letting go of this 1 person. Me and my ex broked up a month ago and i am like please stay with me dont leave me and all. She is still there but talks casually she is clear that we are not going to be together. How to move on what should i do.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mepaw
3 replies

Once you have accepted the fact that she is no longer the person you can keep by your side as a lover, that she is no longer the person whom you have loved, that she had move on from you and you should do the same…it will take time…
The more you accept the more you will be free from the past

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mepaw

M @mepaw

Dude take it upon yourself to stop talking to her. If you guys have broken up then there’s nothing to talk about right. Start ignoring her and put yourself into loads of activities, make your mind busy


Take time to take care of yourself, know that at the end of the day we are all we got . There a lot of fish in the sea , you will find the right person for you . you just have to love YOU first ❤️


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