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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought

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I am not feeling good since last few days, I feel like I’ll never feel good or normal again
I’m doing everything, all my work that needs to be done in my day to day routine but I do not feel it, feels like I’m just doing them cuz I have to
If I ask myself that what is happening w me or what is it that I actually want? Then I don’t have the answer!
I feel lost
I don’t want to talk to anyone and the people that want to talk to me, I push them away
I at times feel sorry for myself then I want to talk to someone, someone who understands this feeling but I’ve nobody like that
I don’t like the way I feel anymore
I want to change it but I can’t
I mean whaaattttttttheeefuck is wrong w me man
I feel like I’m dead on the inside
If someone ever reads this then they’ll sympathize or simply tell me that it’s just a phase
May be it is but what am I supposed to do now?
If this shit continues then I might kill myself
Am I depressed for real?
No this can’t be it
I feel like something is missing
Nobody talks to me anymore
I used be the cool kid but I’ve nobody around me now
I feel alone as well
Fuck I’m sorry why tf do I have to go through all this

2 replies

Go watch curb your enthusiasm

Yash singh @yashgupta2633


Sometimes I feel this too


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