Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Prem @prem

I am here to work with the client.Not to play cricket,not to celebrate Diwali.
As long as I am working well,I should not care what they think of me: whether I am a loner,attitude guy,introvert,anti-social,not into fitness guy.
I need not explain them that I was into fitness but some medical reasons stopped me.
Let them make fun of my fatness.
I dont give a damn.
I need not tell them I got social anxiety and travelling to and fro office is a big deal for me so forget about cricket.
Or I will one day just explode with all my accumulated thoughts.

7 replies

oh god!!! ppl r jst so insensitiv smtimes, i agree 100% w uh, uh dnt need 2 xplain nything 2 ny1…


Did you mean I am insensitive?


not uh, d jugmental ppl wh lyk 2 pass cmmnts alwys abt evry1


Thanks dear


Unfortunately people are quick to judge. You just do you, without letting them get to you. As long as you’re good at what you do, and are happy that way, you don’t owe anybody an explanation. Stay awesome!


Thanks dear

Khushboo @khushboo

People used to judge each other. It is a human nature to demotivate others instead of appreciating them. Don’t let yourself down by them. As long as you are happy and satisfied for your work, you don’t have to provide any explanation to them. All the best.


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