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Anger IssuesThought


I am having anger issues. And that is leading me arguing and fighting with my family. I don’t like it but i can’t help it small things or small comments about me make me super angry like my head would explode if i don’t say anything back. What should i do?

3 replies

I think you are also a teenager or in your 20s.
Its normal to be like this. The main thing is you are regretting. Its okayy!💜
We all are facing same.
Lets salute to our paremts to handle our these mood swings😶💣


See I get it that you’ve got some anger issues and they need to be resolved. And they do exist for a reason. Thus, you should need solve that unresolved thing that’s eating you up. You can definitely talk it out


First of all its great that you have recognised the problem…the next step now is to figure out how to solve it. Try to understand what things trigger you and why so. I think writing down your thoughts, i.e what makes you angry or upset and what you can do to solve it will be helpful. Along with this, meditating for 5-10 minutes a day can do wonders…and don’t be so hard on yourself, if you really wish to change your current situation start by taking action. I’m not a therapist but this is what has helped me keep my emotions in check and I hope it helps you as well🤍


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