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Mental HealthThought


I am feeling very wierd. Idk, It feels life has already finished. Nothing is there in my life to live. I am just pointlessly alive. Why do I was even born. To live this painful life. I don’t want to live. I don’t feel fine.
I was not able to cry, I was keeping myself emgaged. But this feeling of apathy. I came to a temple thought I would feel some peace but no I am just crying here. I can’t control, even when people are around.
I feel like dying but I know I can’t, that’s more painful, it’s not over yet. There is more to come for me, more go through.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @trustworthy4u
Profile picture for Now&Me member @k__04
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @trustworthy4u

Abhi @trustworthy4u

Happens dear… Can’t give you sympathy coz you don’t need it that now… You are not weak… It’s just you feel bad for some reason 🥺🫂😔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @k__04

You should look at positive side of your life spend time with your loved ones

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