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I am feeling so sad today. I am in a very bad situation. I can’t do a help to my boyfriend bcz of my situation and now he started distancing himself from and that is killing me inside.Today he said he is ending this relationship and I don’t know what to do. I feel so helpless. I am already having so many issues with my family. My only support was him. My friends betrayed me. I don’t know what to do anymore.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09
11 replies

Baby if he is not understanding ur situation and only bcz u cant help him…he is ending this relationship…then u should too…he is not the one…u ll get over it very soon…but dont let ur soul be into negativity.


M here to listen to u.


Thankyou so much responding. I don’t know whether I can get over him or not. I love him so much.Maybe one day I will find the courage to.


Babe…i was into the exact same situation…and now m a successful teacher…i know it will take time…take that time and heal…m always here to listen to u


Lots and lots of love. Yeah I will take my time and heal as I can. Thankyou for being there for me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09

Turtle @turtle09

This was me 2 years back. It’s a long road but enjoy the trip; you are going to love your destination.


That is so kind of you.Thankyou for supporting me. I hope I will find a way to heal and reach a beautiful destination. Thank you so much for the love and support.

jay @jay12

You can get over him dont worry maybe time heals everything
Or a bid sacre over lap those


Yeah I wish I will heal.Thankyou so much for the love and support.

jay @jay12

You are welcome if you need friend I’m here for you


Honey, keep yourself your priority if he ain’t understanding you, he his obviously not the right one for you. It’s okay. To be alone sometimes cause that is when you will learn to start loving yourself, good if you are alone you will know your worth, it’s okay if no one is understanding you. You need to understand yourself and figure out the problems on your own. And most importantly we are bere for you who won’t ever judge you and always ready to help you and is there to support you with everything you do.


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