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I am feeling so low today. I jst want to share /ask that few months back me and my friend had a fight since tht day we didnt talk to each other properly. We are connected on social media share memories but dont had a single conversation. I dont know if she miss me or not i miss her alot and feeling so guilty . But i don’t know how should i talk to her if she will respond or not

8 replies

Could you share what the fight was about? Of course, only if you are comfortable. If not, then do you think it was your fault? If it is, then you must initiate the conversation. If it is her fault, wait till she owns her mistake and reconciles with you. If every time you go back to her, it will encourage her to take you for granted. It happened to me many times and I let people walk over me because I was going behind them instead of letting them own their mistakes


The fight was out of frustration amd due to third person . We talked about that similar day but in anger . She said it was my fault and i have to realise that i apologized but she was hurt and i was hurt too. I dont know why we dont talk to each other now.
Now i dont know how should i initiate the conversation


I can help with the last part. Just start by saying, “Hey! It’s been long since we spoke. What’s happening there?😃” and see what happens. Friendship is about 50-50 effort. So pick 80% and try to keep the conversation going and see if it is working out but if it isn’t, then it is what it is


It seems possible if she respond .
Thnku i will for sure try this 😃


I am genuinely hoping you both reconcile. Platonic heartbreaks hits differently. I can understand what you are feeling, trust me, I have been through the same many times, so I hope it works out ❤️❤️❤️


Thnku if u r understanding me bcz it is so hurtful for me . I cry every time i remember tht day


You should get to used to this pain. There will be many moments like this in the future, many people will hurt you, they will leave. Only genuine people stick with you. We should just learn how to cope with the pain and accept that the world is like this. It’s harsh. I just accepted and got used to it. It still hurts the same but I know it will get better ☺️


Actlly I’m going through this pain for a long time now but sometimes i feel lyk i need a friend to talk to who can understands me . But unfortunately no one understands.
I knw ryt we hv to used to it. I hope i will someday and you also 😶


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