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I am feeling sad and extremely disheartened.
I was in a 5 year relationship. Its been over a week since he broke up with me. It was a sudden decision from his side. He said there is no future and he doesn’t want to continue 😭💔. He was close to my mom and his family also knew about me. It is just soo painful to accept that the person i love the most doesn’t want me back. I tried everything i could to change his mind. He blocked me from everywhere. I feel soo alone. I have been having anxiety which is why i have lost my appetite. I don’t hate him. But i want to move on. His thoughts never leave my mind. We were so close. I never saw this coming. I am just…heart-broken 💔. Moving on…is definitely not easy… Not able to talk to him and knowing about his life hurts the hell out of me. I can’t even bear the thought of him being with anyone else 😢. I can’t believe he did this… i thought we were forever. 😢💔

1 reply

Hii dear!! It’s okay that sometimes things may not go as we expected. You have done everything you could now it’s time to move on without regrets. Moving on doesn’t happen in a day and I know it’s very hard but you need to erase all the things that remind him of you, if u keep thinking about him distract yourself. Focus on yourself, find something to do that makes you happy, keep yourself busy, hangout with friends.

The reason why you are hurting is because you have seen your future with him. Remove him from your future image. And if he can be with someone so can you.

And always remember you deserve better. I hope you move on and stay happy❤️❤️


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