Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought

Latavia @jade75

I am feeling pretty awful. The prime reason is because I am 23 and I don’t have my life together. My partner who I thought loved me. But last weekend, he blew up on me. Then on New years eve blew up on me. I put the clothes he had on the floor in a bin thinking I was helping. But no. I just made him mad. We took molly and acid which didn’t help and he got even more mad at me. Asked me what do you want from me to make you happy. I literally just wanted to have sex with him in that moment.

My answer him now. I want you to love me and not be so mean. Like nnow, I need support. But no don’t text me,

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How you feeling, you okay now?


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