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Mental HealthThought


i am facing trouble with watching gay and straight porn. i hate it but i am not able to cut out this bad habit from my life. i feel that it is affecting my studies.
also i am not able to concentrate on my studies due to my tablet where i end up googling so many pointless questions that randomly pop up in my head. please help me in any way possible

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mjg
4 replies

hey, i think i replied to your other post…

Khushboo @khushboo

Hello there, i think you are too much addicted to internet that is also affecting your mental health. You pay too much emphasis on internet and searching all these. 
One way i can tell you is to put your phone/tablet aside for some days and try to keep you busy in your studies only. 
Your this kind of internet addiction might spoil your future as well. So why don’t you try to stay away from tablet. It might be difficult in starting , but on you will also realise that studies are good .

Deepanshi @deepanshigupta0

Hey… Its always difficult to control something which we got addicted. Just try to get away with it… It will not happen in a day or two. But whenever you feel to do so. Just make yourself strong and don’t do it. 
More power to you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mjg

Joshua @mjg

Things around you can determine what you think sometimes.
And what you think,in most cases determines what you do.
I think for complete transformation,then change the things around you and occupy your mind with significant stuff that will help you time to come.
For a cup to pour out water,it has first get full,it can’t pour out water if its not full.
What you fill ur mind with is what in most cases you do.
Just fill your mind with other stuff.
You can make brother.
God bless you


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