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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nobodymuch

Emilia @nobodymuch

I AM DYING FROM EMBARRASSMENT. I was on Facebook, yeah, you see all sorts of shit on there. So there was this post where you write d#ck is and have to finish the sentence with the suggestion in the keyboard. I didn’t realize it was a post that my entire family saw and then my comment. WHAT DO I DO? My parents laugh at it but then my like whole family saw it and idk what the hell they must have thought of it. I WANT TO CURL UP INTO A BALL AND DIE

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nobodymuch
2 replies

Piyush @314yush

It’s alright. Laugh it off, In the big scheme of things it wouldn’t matter :) have a nice day.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nobodymuch

Emilia @nobodymuch

Thank you, that seriously helped because I have spent the last two hours panicking LOL phewww


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