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i am 18 year old, generally my parents have frequent fights, but during this lockdown they had a major fight, my dad said something to my mom and to my grandmother which he shouldnโ€™t have said, i lost my control and shouted on my dad for his behaviour, i never thought that my father would feel so bad about it, he really loves me and was really hurt by my words and from that day onward he is not talking to me. i dont know what i did wrong but this is killing me. he was also teaching for my upcoming entrances and now has stopped it, i dont know whether i was wrong or not but i have tried talking to him and he gives me uninterested replies. i am so mentally disturbed i am not even able to study and i dont know what to do

Profile picture for Now&Me member @k9nzaki
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @k9nzaki

Eva ๐Ÿ’• @k9nzaki


he might be suprised that someone had talked back to him , especially it being his own son so maybe he needs some time ( if itโ€™s been weeks now something else is probably the problem ) to think about whatโ€™s happened, what he said and what he did. maybe he regrets what happened that day. donโ€™t feel as if it was your fault heโ€™s not talking to you because you obviously felt that something was wrong and that you had to step in. your father , no matter how uninterested he seems he wonโ€™t ever stop loving you. sorry if this response was unhelpful i am just trying to give my advice x


thankyou for your kind words

Profile picture for Now&Me member @k9nzaki

Eva ๐Ÿ’• @k9nzaki


no problem ! iโ€™m glad i could help <3


It takes courage to stand against your own family. Wether you are right or wrong , parents donโ€™t expect you to answer back so maybe thatโ€™s what hurt him irrespective of whose fault was it.

Please continue preparing for you entrance. Study well, keeps yourself involved enough not to get distracted(if possible) and try to not get involved in there matter again. I do the same at my home. I think we all really are in this together , arenโ€™t we?


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