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Mushy @nimbupaani

How to start exercising? And just get into it and never make any excuse for skipping it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kieran_rolfe
Profile picture for Now&Me member @fastandcurious
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sdfgh
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kieran_rolfe

A Myth @kieran_rolfe

Just start, literally do whatever. Even if you run for 1 minute, that’s 1 minute more than yesterday. These things take time.

Sign up for a gym right now, spending money increases the likeliness of long-term commitment. If that’s not your thing then try calisthenics (bodyweight exercises), maybe even HIIT cardio.

Doing any of these things right now and taking action is all you need to start.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fastandcurious

One day randomly wake up and start exercising start with 10 -15 mins and then go on increasing keep it light in start so that you can make it a habit

Then increase the exercise and then setup goals and try achieving it


The truth is …you will skip. You will fall. You will re motivate yourself. You will understand the mistakes and avoid committing them again. Meanwhile sign up to a gym that way it pinches you that u pay and u aren’t showing up. Try showing up 2 times a week and then slowly increase.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sdfgh

Start skipping and suryanamaskar end with stretching…these are easy to do, hella effective and destressing! Start with this, and gradually you yourself will want to upgrade. The only catch is once u start you’re gonna miss a day, of two or maybe a week! Yes u will and then you will just stop. So before starting w anything make a mental note that doesn’t matter how many restarts you’re gonna have to make! You will! Cz habits take a while to form and we fail to stick around for so long. Our ego and fear tells us to leave cz when we are not consistent and not get results and do a shitty workout our ego our pride gets hurt and then it starts telling us to just quit disguising as subtle excuses like it’s raining today, we got exams coming, we had a tough day at work today and so on…make a sticky note of this in ur brain and give it a try.


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