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Profile picture for Now&Me member @harshuu0029

Harsh @harshuu0029

How to be an extrovert? πŸ€§πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
I don’t know why I don’t feel to make new relations with anybody, I can’t even understand it myself that it’s out of my extrovertness or by the belief that whenever I start a good friendship or relationship with someone ends up me being betrayed each and every single time πŸ˜€

Profile picture for Now&Me member @harshuu0029
4 replies

U will always get hurt either u are introvert or extrovert Caz we can’t make people work acc to ourselves. So they can do atleast that one thing infront of u that u hate the most. But being in a relationship ( no matter friendship or love etc etc) u have to compromise with each other… moreover u need not to have many friends having one who is true to u is enough… coming from an extrovert who is now an introvert…

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Hi Harsh,

In a way, it is good, that are not extrovert. The reason is because it takes lot of time and energy to be an extrovert. Firstly, being extrovert also has its consequences. Some people are 50 percent introvert and 50 percent extrovert which means that they need friends and some time for their self. Also, the reason why you get betrayed by friends after making connection is that you don’t say β€œNO” to any of their suggestion/advice/tips. So if that is the case make a habit of saying no upfront to anything that makes you uncomfortable and be little straigh forward. I hope this helps.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @harshuu0029

Harsh @harshuu0029


Will consider that, thanks buddy β™₯️


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