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Profile picture for Now&Me member @saiscoffeejelly

Mr.BananaWiggle... @saiscoffeejelly

How is everyone feeling right now :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rosesz
Profile picture for Now&Me member @saiscoffeejelly
19 replies

dr.logesh @logesh


Not good as expected

Profile picture for Now&Me member @saiscoffeejelly

Mr.BananaWiggle... @saiscoffeejelly


what’s going on dear :(

dr.logesh @logesh


Nothing, same depression heading in my life ,as a medical students, breakups , concentration probs , everything

Profile picture for Now&Me member @saiscoffeejelly

Mr.BananaWiggle... @saiscoffeejelly


Sounds like you have a lot going on! I’m sorry to hear that but just know that you are not alone in any of it. have you tried reaching out to other medical support?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rosesz

rose @rosesz


just feeling down, wby?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @saiscoffeejelly

Mr.BananaWiggle... @saiscoffeejelly


why are you feeling down, honey :(
And i’m doing well thank you for asking :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rosesz

rose @rosesz


great to hear that youre doing well <3 im just a bit sad from some love problems, thats all. thanks for asking c:

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @saiscoffeejelly

Mr.BananaWiggle... @saiscoffeejelly


Do you wanna talk about it, i’m here to listen :)

dr.logesh @logesh


Hey, why you are feeling down?
Is everything goin good?

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @rosesz

rose @rosesz


thank you so much, i needed someone to talk to and i really appreciate you. well, theres this boy ive liked for so long and all hes been is toxic to me, but im just so attached to him and i cant cut off ties. he gives me mixed signals and i feel like ill never get over him. at this point i cant tell if im in love or just obsessed

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @saiscoffeejelly

Mr.BananaWiggle... @saiscoffeejelly


What you’re feeling is totally normal. You’re in love with this person who does nothing but hurt you. I know this may be hard but distancing yourself is the best possible thing darling and you don’t have to be alone in all this. You might be like him so much but persuing a relationship with him would not at all be healthy

dr.logesh @logesh


Same things just happened and went in my life. Belive in feelings(direct and indirect).
But don’t believe mixed feelings. It won’t end up well.

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @rosesz

rose @rosesz


thank you for asking, just a feel problems but im feeling more okay now. how are you doing?

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @rosesz

rose @rosesz


thank you so much

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @saiscoffeejelly

Mr.BananaWiggle... @saiscoffeejelly


if you ever need ongoing support you can always shoot me a dm darling and i can give you support long term there :) you aren’t alone in this and it’s difficult as heck but you don’t have to go through this pain by yourself

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @rosesz

rose @rosesz


thank you <3

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @saiscoffeejelly

Mr.BananaWiggle... @saiscoffeejelly


Of course I’m here for you :)<3

dr.logesh @logesh


I reacted and it that feelings went to hell. But wait for sometimes to feel great and good to proceed. I know it’s hard to do in practical life ,. But wait and understand his feelings for or any second feeling for someone.

dr.logesh @logesh


Ping me if you wanna talk about dad to help you out or support


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