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Mental HealthThought


How do you define ‘healing’?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pastel_euphoria
Profile picture for Now&Me member @human_1
27 replies
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😂sometimes, that’s me …


When you lie to yourself, you are indirectly healing yourself

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??! What


Interesting… but doesn’t it make us less aware of ourselves or our surroundings…?


Exactly, that’s the point my friend, we choose to live in illusions because it fits us better then the harsh reality

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Avoidance…? I used it as a coping mechanism…

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Yess avoidance, almost every person uses it to escape something that they don’t want to accept. You are one of them


😂god, let people have that phase, I have surpassed it and ik it’s very important to commit mistakes… It’s really okay if you’re a “coward” rn… only thing that matters is how you deal with yourself


I was*, I definitely am not in the same spot right now… because being delusional brings no scope for improvement or betterment:)


It’s all connected dude, everything that you see or feel is just a simple illusion, only the course changes, the subject stays the same… and it’s not like being delusional is not good, not knowing that you are in illusion is not good


Give yourself the utmost importance in life. Trust me. You are the best and you should know it. You yourself is the one who’s going to be with you till the very end. So, love yourself.♥️
Happy healing😃
Smile big😃


That’s one of the warmest messages I’ve come across in a long time… Wishing you the very best🤍

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So true… I learned it recemtly … and tbvh, it has made me land at a much better place right now…

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Really true man… accepting things makes them seem doable or easier to deal with…

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @pastel_euphoria

Arni <3 @pastel_euphoria

I guess it’s like being okay with what happened and accepting the past, acknowledging your emotions, and finding healthy mechanisms to cope with the pain you have to heal from. Everyone has their own way of healing tbh, depends on person to person.


Mhm it really does… hope u’re doing good🤎

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @pastel_euphoria

Arni <3 @pastel_euphoria

You too 💖

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @human_1

human @human_1


when after honoring the pain, you are able to detach from the harm that has been inflicted and only take the learning with you

ongoing cycle of unlearning our conditioning and becoming the person we were created to be, instead of the person we were socialized to be



Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @human_1

human @human_1

Not written by me. Would still say thank you on that unknown person’s behalf. Thank you 🤍


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