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Self LoveThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity

Sheza Sajid @escapevelocit...

How do you actually become more confident and calm like I need steps here

Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity
11 replies

self love is the first step
and next thing is controlling your emotions ,whatever the hell is going on inside your mind always maintain your poker face and then you get used to it
you will become harder to read
more mysterious and eventually we become interesting and that make us feel good
and that lead us to confidence that whatever we do that we can handle it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity

Sheza Sajid @escapevelocit...

this helps but step 1 is kinda hard cause Im always bubbly and hyperactive and people think Im stupid because of it but honestly thats just me being me and its sad cause I come across as flirting with guys when im just laughing like srsly its so annoying

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity

Sheza Sajid @escapevelocit...

Im absolutely in love with myself but just I feel insecure cause I catch myself craving attention or to be felt more important cause im not taken seriously

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its okay to feel insecure
its okay to crave attention we are only human
we want to be listened to, we want respect
for that believe in yourself
dont let your emotions get better of you
like I said whatever is going on inside your mind always maintain a poker face, talk when its necessary and let them come to you don’t go after anyone
be mysterious
dont let anyone to make you feel stupid
you are brave and you deserve everything you wish for

Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity

Sheza Sajid @escapevelocit...

Ill try its just very hard considering that my happy mood is all bubbly and positive child like but I guess I can change that


if you are happy be happy express your happiness.
if you are not happy if your sad or bothered or insecure that’s when you have to be on guard you have to pretend to be happy or not bothered and walk like you own the world even though you don’t feel confident fake it till you make it.
it will be hard but you will get there.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity

Sheza Sajid @escapevelocit...



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