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How can I make friends in a new environment? I feel like trying to find things in common feels Idk too simple n wired? Pulse you can’t just approach any person… its like interfereing in their
business. Also its super akward just going to a person and saying" hii, can we be friends ". I dislike sharing intrest as a start, I can’t share my dislikes/likes, without knowing the person well enough ( being strangers) . I also need tips with roommates cuz I never had one and now I am about to have 6! Isn’t wired to live with stranger from another place or sm? Like they are strangers!!! how can I trust them even tho we both here for education…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife

Joy @joyforlife

First of all you need to learn that everybody is not cheater and everyone is not thief.
Second, if you won’t tell someone about your interests, he will never be able to be much interesting for you that you like.
Third, just start with simple conversation without any expectations, you will start vibing once you both will get to know more about each other. ✌🏻


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