Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Hii guys just incase if you are getting bored this post is for you.
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Quality you really like about yourself and 1 quality you don’t like.
Only motive is to go deep in your mind and ask yourself…
So that we can be more aware of ourselves

3 replies

Nusrat @vaishnavi00118

1. Quality I like - to think efficiently in crucial situation
Dislike- my aggression when comes to self respect. I become super aggressive and the things that can be sought by conversation will never ever solve instead things come to end.


In super aggressive condition
Just take a small pause and think of what you are doing and just thought of its consequences…
Just be aware of what you are doing and for that practice meditation


I m good in communicating with strangers. Soon they become familiar and i can go long with topics.


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