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Mental HealthThought


Hii everyone, I  don’feel embarrassed saying this but I don’t feel good about how I look, I don’t like my skin tone, it’s a little uneven on my stomach and hips, and I have some light stretch marks too. And I’m pretty thin, and I have always been thin, and I think my breasts are not adequate in size. Im getting some pimples. I really wanna love myself and feel confident about my body, pls help.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @drishtigupta
3 replies

I understand what you’re going through. I have really small breasts, I don’t have good hair, I have stretch marks all over the body, I have a dark patch on my back and what not. I know how you feel. But you know what? It doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t. Those stretch marks? They’re stripes that you’ve earned. I’ve come a long way and I’ve started to love myself now, after a loooong time of hating myself. I think what really helps is surrounding yourself with people who think the best for you and don’t put you down. That’s really really important. You are beautiful in your own unique way love, don’t let anyone bring you down❤️


heyyy love, it’s okay to not immediately feel like we love everythng about ourselves and the way we look. It took my years to develop my style based on how I am and not how I wish I was. And I am now at a point where I don’t wish for any other way. I love everything about myself. Start with one thing, with your skin tone. For me, it made a difference to see other models and celebrities rock my skin tone, because I realised that yes everything is beautiful. I’m somewhat a wheatish-coffee coloured skin tone. In 2019 I think it is wonderful to have such a diverse meaning of beauty. Start enjoying that. Start looking at people you like in this skin tone, and you will realise how what you have is unique and special. And to be honest, skin tone is always a little uneven and darker for people around their hips, i don’t think it matches, unless you’re extremely pale and fair. stretch marks are just part of skin, don’t even consider them as something foreign. EVERYBODY has stretch marks.Literally EVERYONE who isn’t a teenager. For most models it is airbrushed but really, everyone of us has it. So, that’s no big deal. I’ve also seen something called bio-oil which is supposed to be great for stretch marks if they really bother you, but trust me they’re like vivid art on skin. Thin is awesome! Thin is great. You don’t have to watch your weight, you can eat whatever you want to! It’s awesome genetics and probably an awesome metabolism rate too. Coping with my breast size is something i’m still struggling with. coming to terms with the fact that bigger breasts don’t automaticaly mean more beautiful, i mean no offense to those who have them. Again, looking at pretty actresses with their low necklines and almost flat chest is great. As I said, there is a rodel model for everyone and all and everything is beauty in today’s time. If you’re Indian and you know Dolly Singh, she’s gorgeous and even kate hudson and laura graham, breast size: all sizes are beautiful. Pimples are something that can be taken care of depending on what is causing them. You should see if it is an internal cause, like stress or increased junk food. DOn’t touch your face with your hands, because that’s where most of the germs are. One pro tip that is helping me recently, I’ve added a toner to my routine. So I clean my face with a face wash, pat dry, then take a few drops of the toner on my palm and pat it into my skin with my palms and then apply my cream/moisturiser. The toner has really helped to seal the pores and thereby prevent break outs. Just rememebr, don’t let anything touch your face, because everything has germs, especially your own hands. so, anytime you touch your face with your hands, make sure you’ve cleaned them first ??

Profile picture for Now&Me member @drishtigupta

Drishti Gupta @drishtigupt...

Such a great and helpful answer!❤️


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