Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @iwannabeeverything

Hi y’all ❤Hope you’re doing good!

So wouldn’t it be amazing if we start a day by being grateful and thankful for something that’s happened recently and be hopeful about something that is going to or we hope to happen?

Even if you’re going through a difficult phase, a tough time, a breakup or just a bad day, think of something that makes you happy, think of something that you’re grateful for
because there are so many things to be thankful for in life, right?
Also having hope about the future, makes it a little more exciting and a little less gloomy : )

I’ll start : It’s amazing to have discovered such a beautiful platform with so many beautiful souls which I’m thankful for. ❤

I’m hopeful to spend holi with my closest people and just having a fun day : )

Hope all you beautiful people are doing amazing and hopefully this brings a smile to someone. 🤗

Also if you find it helpful, do continue the chain and help someone else smile :D

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iwannabeeverything
3 replies



Your post made my day…I knoww that next few days are going ro bee good…but stilll I am not trying to expect anything…like if something good happens its better…but if it doesn’t then that’s also okayy…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iwannabeeverything

Yess accept and not expect!! I’m so glad it made your day:D


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