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Profile picture for Now&Me member @sxkurxchxn

Mx Shay @sxkurxchxn

Hi there
Sooo I know for sure I don’t like “S” I just see her as a really good friend
And I know I like “K” (at least I think I do)

So about “D” he is VERY toxic… so today Me, K and S talked about it with a few of our other friends about how the whole friend group is becoming very toxic… and asked how we can solve this situation calmly… but we still don’t know how to… So can I get some advice on how to tell somebody they are a complete asshole jerk without actually telling them that?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sxkurxchxn
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

So you need to tell them something, without actually saying it. Then, sarcasm is the key, dear, and if they’re smart enough, they’ll understand the irony. It’s a saying, “Signals and indications are enough for a smart individual.” Make some sarcastic gestures and they’ll themself understand.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sxkurxchxn

Mx Shay @sxkurxchxn

I actually have done that before but I feel as if it comes off rude to the other person… and this time I wanted to talk to the other person with all due respect and state all my opinions but I’m not sure on how to do that because that person always cuts me off and then they start raising their voice

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

Ohhk. In that case, you may speak to the other person in voice messages or text. The person won’t be able to interrupt in between then. Or simply have a normal talk, and ask them to patiently listen to you first.


I’m sorry but as far as I know, there is no way to say someone is a dick without calling them that. So you’re 13… as far as I know that is literally the worst stage of life. Good luck! Since “D” is so toxic and nasty I think someone should just say it to his face, the guy seems to need to hear it and change his ways. You could always send an anonymous letter, but that can get way out of hand and or plain creepy. Bring a teacher into this if you can. Or multiple parents. Try to talk about this and plans with your K and S so nothing splits you guys up as this kind of thing can be quite dividing. Make sure you know where you stand, and most of all, be brave and stay strong!

Also, this is totally random but I literally just got that your page says “I’m not happy I’m just smiling” backwards 🤣 you’re very smart you know


Also this is kind of bad advice. Don’t take it as gospel!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sxkurxchxn

Mx Shay @sxkurxchxn

Your right I will say it to his face and actually long ago… somewhere around when I posted one of my first “thoughts” is when it all started and that time I yelled at my mom because I was angry and she got mad at me and I started crying- because sometimes I cry when I’m mad… so I had to explain everything to her because of that… but then I ended up telling everything was fine later… But If this goes on for any longer I will be informing my parents. I’ll try to stay strong!

Omg- You are smart 😂😂 I think your the first one to figure it out lol

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sxkurxchxn

Mx Shay @sxkurxchxn

I don’t think it’s that bad. I’m sure it’ll help me out


aw thank you! You’re pretty smart yourself for coming up with that! Yeah, telling your parents is a good idea. I kept multiple secrets from them that lead to multiple suicide attempts but since I told my parents I’ve been able to breath a lot easier and stop the whole trying-to-die thing. I want to warn you that saying it to his face will be scary and will have consequences, so plan a little first. It’s going to be rough but in the long run you’ll all likely be better for it, him learning not to be a jerk, you gaining strength and hopeful being left alone ( if he still doesn’t leave show a teacher nasty texts or stuff like that) I reeeeally hope it goes well!! :) <3


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