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Hi! My ex broke up with me 6 months ago. Since then he tried to come back several times (not officially but u get what i mean). One month ago he started going on dates with random girls and brought them to our spot and i caught him with a different girl every time. Today he unfollowed me. However idk if it sounds weird but sometimes i feel a connection inside me and now i feel like the connection is strong and then he unfollows me. It’s pretty overwhelming for me because he treated me so badly and i dont know how to justify his unfollow

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sdfgh
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sdfgh

U can justify his unfollow by the fact that he’s going on dates with multiple girls…and this is when our mind goes back to when it was magic…I very well know these tricks played by our minds…don’t fall for it, u broke up for a reason stick to that…make a list and keep reading it whenever u recall of the “connection”

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Move on how? He is the one who initiated the breakup

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Just move on buddy. You can do it great things waitin for u :)


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