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Hi, I am in a very tough situation. One of the many issues I am facing is loneliness. But I have a goal.It needs two years of dedicated effort. I am motivated to put that effort. But issue is: “if I dont have people to be part of my success or failure, Why should I put any effort in trying to achieve the goal? Why not give up now itself? If I am trying to work on people it is effecting my effort on the goal.”

So help me decide if I should try for the goal or not? If so why?

Also should I try not to think about friends/people at all during this two year period?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kskarthik
13 replies

Listen buddy here is the secret sauce

There is a saying - At the end of the cliff, all you will have is you.

That means irrespective of if there is some one or not, you gotta do it

For whom you ask ?, yourself goddamit.

And honestly people will come and go,

After your success you will be bombarded with people,

During the course of success you may pr may not have anyone


Thanks a lot for the encouraging words.


If you have goal then just go for it, give it a try. Sometimes in some situations you have to walk alone and being alone is not a bad thing according to me. And you are not putting or Achieving your goals for others you are doing that for yourself…


Thanks for nice words. Been alone for a long time. So didn’t really want to do this alone. But maybe it’s my destiny friends are not in my fate and I have to do this alone.


Think positive…u never know where your destiny takes you… so just stay strong🙂


Thanks for the positive push. But seen enough pain so lost confidence on fate.

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