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Hi everyone, I’m new here. I just wanted to get some advices since I have no one to talk with.
I am working away from home right now and I started to not feel better. I don’t have any covid symptoms, it’s just I’m very tired with my work, we work from 7am to almost 3am (this is true). I don’t have proper sleep and eat. My health is at risk because of my current job. And I’m worried if I continue doing this job and I’ll get sick, no one will take good care of me cause I live alone. Right now, I am thinking of two things:
1st, I am thinking of going home because it is much safer at home especially nowadays that we have a pandemic. And since I’m not feeling well right now, I really want to rest at my home with my family. But the consequence of going home is I have to leave my job, I won’t have a job but I am planning to apply for a job there in our place but there is no assurance I can get one since there is not much companies in our place cause it is like a province.
2nd, I am planning to find another job here which I hope is less stressful and will not deprive me from my sleep and eat. But, again, there is no assurance I can find one immediately since we are on a pandemic today… But if I am going to continue my current job, I’ll be very very sick. 2-3 hours of sleep everyday is no joke. My current job really makes me sick all the time. What should I do?? Do I need to go home or stay here?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @heartonthesleeve
2 replies

Brother in this pandemic all working professionals are going through the same phase. I will advise you to stay with your current city and search for a new job, and after getting one, you can leave this job.
Going home is not an option for us, because our parents are getting old and we can’t risk their life by going there and make them COVID positive.
it’s better to stay where we are and search for a new job and leave this job once you get a new offer letter.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @heartonthesleeve

Bhavya Chauhan @heartonthe...

Firstly, thanks for seeking help at Now&Me, we really appreciate you opening up to us!
Understanding your problem and directly coming to the point of concern, you mentioned that your current job is really making you ‘sick’. Well, this is the first answer you already have. You have clearly seen your work pattern and if it doesn’t build a life of utmost happiness, comfort, fun and mental peace for you, then probably you must take a step back from this job. Indeed, 2-3 hours of sleep a day are extremely detrimental for your health and can have very adverse effects in the long run. Your work productivity will come down severely, your hormones will get imbalanced, your relationships will suffer, your body will show poor adaptability to new environments and you might have the risk of burning out.
Clearly, no matter how important it is to have financial stability and independence, nothing amounts to your mental and physical health. I assure you will get a job in which ever city you shift. DO NOT create a mental blockade by already being fearful of not getting one. Act with certainty. If you need a break right now for your highest well being, take it. Going to your family is a really great idea. Have good conversations with your family members and they will help you set your priorities right. Put in conscious and disciplined effort to bring your sleeping schedules back on track. Remember to be mindful of what you spend your time on. I strongly suggest taking a good relaxing break for now and then start applying for better jobs that do not demand all your life from you.
Hope that helps. Just act with certainty.
Best wishes.


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