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Twinkle Gupta @twinklegupt...

Hey…i am starting workout today…any guidance and diet plans would be appreciated
Looking for wonderful tips
Want to loose belly fat
And tone my body

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ujjwals
11 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ujjwals

Ujjwal @ujjwals

Use healthifyme app and calculate your workout and diet requirements

Twinkle Gupta @twinklegupt...

Downloaded the app…thanks


You cant loose fat from a specific part of your body
It is totally gonna decrease from everypart gradually
Just remember
For now start slow with cardio
When you are into your second week start some light weight traning and progress gradually
While weight traning make sure to warm up before and do cardio at the end of workout i.e after weight traning
All the best

Twinkle Gupta @twinklegupt...

Can we talk in detail


Bro intake high protein so that muscles will be good and u will reduce ur fat

Twinkle Gupta @twinklegupt...

I am vegetarian…suggest me

deep @deep12

U can eat spourts if ur vegetarian

deep @deep12

U can also eat museli its rich in protein

deep @deep12

U can go with whey protein


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