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Hey umm…is it weird if you find all the things that people enjoy boring like… going out with friends, eating food outside etc. I hate it…but to be honest I don’t. Whenever I am alone with some friend I have this constant feeling that he/she may not like the things that I talk about…or that they would find me boring and leave me. I try to make friends but then I think they might think of me as boring and not so cool and interesting. This thing has been bothering me for a while. I am afraid to talk unless someone talks to me first. I’m afraid to go out alone…like I have this feeling that people might be seeing the way I look and dress and judge. I didn’t go outside much cause I always stayed in my house. This feeling keeps nagging me all the time. Is there something wrong…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199


If you constantly think that what others will think of you then you aren’t comfortable with them nor they will be with your behavior. Always remember, when you feel yourself in front of someone that’s when you know they are good ones for you to hang out with.

It’s your choice to stay at home or party outside, but don’t regret then trying to go out with friends instead of being home (Just an example). Being judged is a part of life that you can’t control. Rather than focusing on what they will think focus on with whom you can truly be yourself and happy. πŸ˜€


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