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Hey so my bf broke up w me 4 months ago because he said he lost feelings. He tried to come back and then because i was hurt I didn’t allow him and went and tried to date his ex afterwards who rejected him. Meanwhile i feel this strong connection and it’s draining. Hes trying to remove me from his life and his friends too. What do i do

3 replies

just let it go , move on you deserve much better. Whatever it takes just dont go back, bcz the right one never leaves !


My GF also said the same. I don’t know whether she is dating someone or not but. It hurts.


It’s a shame you’re going through such an agonizing time right now. Few things in life are more painful than the loss of a loved one. Your situation, in fact, reminds me of this ancient wisdom: “Heartache crushes the spirit.” -Proverbs 15:13

Were you aware that heart break often causes the same pain as the death of a loved one?


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