Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Hey, so it’s almost new year’s and I cannot stop cribbing about how pathetic my life has become. This year has been so hard, but, my life seemed to be taking a turn for good this month as i was supposed to leave for another city for my masters, finally free, finally exploring new boundaries, taking trips for Christmas with my university buddies and all. However, all my plans got ruined due to an omicron outbreak. Life hasn’t always been this hard and I have had my share of good memories this year. Now, I am stuck up in home, and my plans in town got cancelled as my friend is taken ill. Any tips on how to get over this? I see all my friends taking trips with family and friends and I couldn’t feel any worse.

1 reply

Clean your home, sit in a cozy blanket with hot chocolate and watch some movie. Enjoy your own company, it’s something which not everyone gets


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