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Hey so I don’t really know how this thing works but I wanna talk to someone cause I don’t really have anyone I can talk to but, I honestly just feel so alone. like I have 2 amazing best friends but sometimes I just feel so out of it like I don’t even know how to explain. A year ago I lost everyone of my friends that I had for 8 years so that led me to a depression and very bad anxiety. I almost had to go on to pills but im better thanks to my new two friends. I also became a lot more closer to God and I’ve very happy about. I think that has helped me a lot. Eating has become a bit of an issue with me… umm sometimes I think starving my self is a better bet than having to eat and look worse than I do. (im sorry if you are going through this, it sucks and I hope it gets better)

2 replies

It does get better.
I live on the optimistic side of life, as cheesy as it sounds. There are always days when I’d feel down, but there’s always hope for a better tomorrow. The friends you’ve lost might not come back, but there’ll be others who can fill that gap, and you’ve already found 2 new folks.
Do you feel happy to see any of them happy (or happier than usual)? Your friends have the same feelings for you. Eat an ice cream if that makes you happy and share it with your friends. You’ll be delighted to see them cherishing your happiness. It’s a positive feedback loop.


Hey, I lost my best friends too. They cut me off from everything. I feel I am the unlucky one. Why does everyone leave me? But I have kinda made peace with it and I talk to God whenever I feel alone. And don’t worry I’m here if you need a friend to talk to.


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