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It’s always been hard for me to stay up in my house, they abuse me emotionally and make me feel that I’m good for nothing, and internally make me feel sad. They think teasing me will make me even more strong but I weaken every minute, my parents insulted me near everyone in my layout to make me feel embarrassed and told me that I blackmail them by cutting my hand, and tried hitting me cause I was regretting it. The reason behind that was, that I wanted to die, but I didn’t have any guts. This is how they treat me, and my mom told me that I’m a completely different child, they all try to compare me to others and tell me that I’m a loser. I don’t wanna live this way help me out :(

6 replies

Hey, I understand what you’re going through. Please stay strong, you matter. Try to isolate yourself and ignore them, they won’t change you’ll have to shield yourself. After things get better, you can try to move out. It’ll be over soon❤.


aww thank u:)

Bees_knees @nichol

Heya! You are beautiful, don’t ever try to hurt yourself by cutting your hand or doing anything that you are going to regret…
Unfortunately, the society we live in is too hard on each one of us… including your parents…
Let not what they say and do make you feel like you are not loved by them… they themselves don’t know how to help you… which is why they resort to such behaviour… it is not acceptable…
Do your best at what what you are doing and am sure your efforts will not go unnoticed by them


yes thank u:)


Please take care. It’s not your fault that the older generation grew up with zero understanding of such things. I hope you can find a support system, professional help and get away from your parents once Covid is over. We’re all here for you to support you on your journey.


yes thank u soo much:)


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