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Luana @luana111


I’m sorry if this sounds a bit confusing, but I’m a bit puzzled about something.

So, there’s this dude in my ceramics class and he’s my partner since he sits next to me. Me (far right), him (let’s call him Dude for now), his friend (let’s call him Blondie), and another girl (far left).

He gives off really mixed messages in a way? He’s sometimes a decent partner and in others he’s incredibly annoying.

For example:

Ceramic class is on the other side of the school so I had to speed walk there. I was about to walk into the class while the bell was just starting to ring. He just stood in the doorway, waited for the bell to finish, walked out and said ‘You’re late’. Teacher didn’t care I was late because she’s chill but I was VERY annoyed, especially since I was having a really bad day.

He was asking me a question, I answered, then Blondie and him giggled afterwards.

I was walking in the hallway (a bit crowded), he pushed my backpack a bit and then passed me.

Other examples:

He cleaned up my supplies for me in ceramics.

He cleaned our table.

He picked up my chroombook when it fell (everyone in my school is given one for the year).

So I’m honestly really confused on weather it’s just cultural difference, he’s two-faced, or I’m just misunderstanding it. Pretty sure he has a girlfriend so I highly doubt he has developed feelings. I only met him this year because he went to another school.

So yeah, I’m incredibly confused and I’m tempted to ask my teacher if I can switch seats. I’m starting to not like ceramics class because of him to be honest.

4 replies

Maybe he likes you

Luana @luana111

I hope not, otherwise he has a very bad way of showing it. Even if he does I’m confused on why he acts like this honestly.


Maybe he is not good at expressing
Guys are meaner to the girls they like


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