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Hey! I’m a student in DU and is doing economics honors there. I love economics. I loved it since school because my school teacher made this subject fun for me and just because of him I wanted to learn more about economics. But in college everything comes to recession. Boring teachers bore lectures. And I lost interest in studying now. Somehow completed my first year and due to corona there was no exams for this semester. And I love doing photography I do have a page on instagram. I want to travel. I want to explore. I want to do photography. And now as our online classes are started it became worse. I literally don’t understand a thing what they are teaching. Got a teacher from previous semester which I don’t like because she herself is confused. And got a new teacher for another subject and he’s like you have learnt this previous na and he’s too fast while explaining. There is no eager left in me to study. Sometimes I think that I should haven’t opted for this course. Have I made a mistake? And because they’re taking so many classes a day I don’t get time to click pictures and I feel bad about it. Haven’t posted a new picture since a week. These classes are a burden for me. I need motivation to study. Anyone reading this please help and thank you for reading my mess :)

3 replies

This is totally relatable. A good teacher can really make a boring subject interesting & a bad teacher can make the most interesting subjects boring. I would suggest you speak to some seniors, maybe the ones who are pursuing their masters in economics and ask them how they studied. Because you will be surprised to know the multiple, different ways people have of learning. They might be able to help you with certain videos or courses or books that can really bring back the magic of Economics because it really is a very interesting subject. Most of how things are taught in DU is very mechanical, and I know this because I was a DU student too. It makes you lose interest, so you have to try your own ways if the professors are not interesting enough.

& these online classes are a bummer for sure because how much screen time is one person expected to have anyway.

I think the key to your problem is, finding the right way to study since your professors are boring. Explore various learning styles, follow some Instagram pages on Economics if you like, if you just want to ease into it with bite-sized information. Don’t give up on the subject just yet, it might just be a phase due to lack of interesting teaching methodologies. Also, remember, in college, you are on your own. You literally have to educate yourself and accumulate the knowledge you can and go beyond the scope of the prescribed book and teachings. And sometimes other sources are better, so do try those and let me know if they worked for you!


Thank you! You motivated me somehow. I’ll search to study differently. And yes the screen time from online classes is so much that after it there’s a will to do anything else. But have to find an alternative. And thank you so much buddy.


Anytime, Happy to Help! 🌟


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