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Self HarmThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

hey! i don’t know am i upto. i have my boards in the next 2 months and i can’t stop procrastinating and overthinking. i wake up feeling low and sleep feeling low. the pressure of college applications is taking a toll on me. i just keep suppressing my feelings and try to distract myself. i am having a lot of anxiety too .

1 reply

As someone who have crossed the bridge you are in let me assure you that most of your stress is unwarranted. You will barely use majority of the things you learn in school and most of it is just formality. Even if your aim isnt to be a topper aim for something basic like 75% provided you are planning on being a doctor or engineer or pursue a scientific field. There is no point trying to procrastinate and distracting yourself as one day you will eventually have to deal with it. I suggest you wake up early one morning note down all your responsibilities at hand in a book and start completing them 1 by 1 leaving a tick next to each task you finished. Organizing will help you be more motivated and once you tick off your full list the satisfaction you receive will be worthwhile.


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